3 min

Photo Credits: Anastasia Zhenina

Without question, one of the essential resources for every organization is energy. Many organizations have discovered clever techniques to monitor, control, and save energy due to the rise in energy costs, the increase in demand, the instability of the energy markets, and the stringent enforcement of governmental regulations. It is a fantastic effort and frequently yields more information than just data to observe energy management across the entire business. The IoT and the future of energy are interconnected in today's connected society (IoT). An intelligent Energy Management System - EnMS - that can help reduce expenses, increase efficiency, and meet your energy needs is urgently needed.

So how can an IoT Energy Management Solution help be a digital transformation facilitator and the answer to clients' problems? By gaining total control of your energy data at a crucial and detailed level, you can use our solution to better manage your energy consumption patterns in the commercial and industrial sectors. But let's go into detail through this article.

The Relevance of Energy Measurement for Monitoring

Small businesses may only use utility meters for measurement. On the other hand, larger companies may connect entire monitoring and measurement systems to a software program that combines data and analyzes automatically. The techniques and procedures for measurement are up to the company.

Implementing an energy management plan requires measuring energy data, which is essential. To monitor energy consumption successfully, management must:

- Establish an energy data measurement system;

- Assign a team for this task;

- Ensure appropriate use of energy measuring tools and ensure the safety of meters;

- Provide energy data in a complete and timely way;

- Deliver energy statistics in a timely and comprehensive manner;

A successful system must assign staff employees the importance of implementing energy measurement. Creating a paper outlining the organization's energy measurement procedures is required.

Besides, it is also essential to assess energy efficiency and prospects for energy savings even when monitoring energy data only represents "total consumption" instead of energy efficiency.

Considering the following factors that may help your business to determine energy consumption:

- The amount of energy used overall;

- The energy usage of departments and electricity lines;

- The amount of energy used by office and manufacturing machinery;

Photo Credits: Rohan Makhecha

Implementation of Industrial Energy Monitoring

The first step to improving energy efficiency is tracking and analyzing machine energy use and production and support processes. Energy management relies heavily on energy efficiency monitoring and benchmarking because they help decision-makers spot the areas that need to be improved and track how their actions will affect energy usage. Furthermore, monitoring the enterprise's energy usage helps assess the predictions of the energy savings needed. In addition, the lack of monitoring could prevent companies from being unaware of their potential for profitable energy investments.

It is also essential to bear in mind that the most energy-intensive processes can be found with the aid of monitoring. This section will cover every aspect of energy monitoring, including data collection, analysis, presentation, and performance measures. Additionally, this part examines the methods currently used for data collecting, analysis, display, and performance evaluation.


The Hight Importance of Data Collection in Energy Monitoring

Data collection using accepted techniques is crucial. ELB-REV4, which was used to track energy consumption, is one of the current standards for a data exchange device. Statistics, energy audits, energy balance sheets, and surveys can all be used to collect data on energy consumption. All major industrial organizations and suppliers compile historical data on energy consumption for statistical purposes. An energy audit includes an inquiry and analysis of energy outflows for energy preservation in a building, process, or system to decrease the amount of energy input into the system without adversely affecting the output(s), identifying the sources of energy use and the interactions with weather, occupancy, and operating schedules. Data gathering utilizing energy balance sheets, which display the pertinent energy input and output and the breakdown of energy consumed in various processes to identify the "energy centers," may then be assessed for energy-saving potential.

Photo Credits: Rodion Kutsaiev


In conclusion, the energy management standard is a powerful tool to adopt and implement to reduce energy use. Governments are promoting incentives in implementing the energy management system to encourage its use among industries or companies. In addition, implementing a strategic management energy system will strengthen the organization's market position and engage in new strategic economic areas, which will grow the enterprises' competitiveness.

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